“By introducing trained support dogs and their handlers to frontline police officers and staff, it helps create an environment for conversations about their mental health and to highlight the relevant services which can provide help and support to those who need it. “It’s incredibly important t...
Sussex Police video Republica music video Click here for a bespoke quote “Ben was so creative, full of ideas and positive to work with on Republica’s new video. We are delighted with the final results!” Saffron Lead Singer,Republica ...
Plans to Cut Police Jobs in Sussex Sussex Police recently announced plans to cut jobs across the force with the aim of making huge savings and focusing on different ways of working. Jobs will be lost as a result of these changes; the Police aim to save over read more Care workers triu...
170.245M250.3 PLLewes PD W/MicPolice: Patrol Car Wireless MicsFMLaw Talk 453.800WPRX331BMLewes FireFire (Simulcast)FMNFire-Talk 159.090RMCC 5 TG 1000 SL 1Lewes BchPatrolBeach PatrolDMRPublic Works 155.010KNFX763BCSQLewes Power T/APower Line Crew: Talk-aroundFMNUtilities ...
Meet new people, make new friends! The Student Rep Wall of Wins! The image below demonstrates just a few of the amazing wins that student reps have achieved, by successfully lobbying the University on a variety of issues raised by students in their feedback including: ...
Footnote:The records state this to be 1934 and that ties in with a known flying event. However the Bungalow Town station had closed the previous year – not to reopen until 1935. So why were people on the platforms requiring police to manage the crowds? Perhaps they were locals who had ...
1.32 Any such events must only be undertaken with the support and close collaboration with Brighton and Hove City Council Licensing Department and with Police Licensing Officers.1.33 As a Union we will offer no support to promoters linked to events with irresponsible and potentially dangerous drinking...
(the most senior body of management) offices in Sussex House for a few hours. At the second occupation riot police were called by the university to manage the protest after some senior staff claimed they were being held hostage, a claim that was strongly denied by the occupiers. Two days ...
MET Police Wine Cellars Computer Rooms Industrial Units Residential Sound Studios Home Cinemas Conservatories Bedrooms Lounges Family rooms How can we help? We supply a great range of units from some of the leading manufacturers from around the world as well as British, most of the units are bu...
Dogs have a friendly, calming influence and people are noticeably more relaxed and comfortable in their presence.“By introducing trained support dogs and their handlers to frontline police officers and staff, it helps create an environment for conversations about their mental health and to highlight...