solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的.现简单解释如下: solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物; suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静置一段时间后,会...
在化学中,solution, suspension, colloid 和 emulsion 有着不同的含义。这些术语描述了不同物质在液体中的分散状态。首先,solution 是一种均匀混合物,其中一种化合物以分子形式溶解在另一种液态化合物中。这种状态下的混合物非常稳定,不会发生分离。其次,suspension 是一种固体颗粒分散在另一种液体中...
solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的.现简单解释如下:solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物;suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静置一段时间后,会发...
solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的。现简单解释如下: solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物; suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静置一段时间后,...
solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的。现简单解释如下:solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物;suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,...
真溶液,胶体,悬浊液,乳浊液的区分依据)(Atruesolution, suspension,emulsionofcolloid,thebasisforthedistinction between)) Watercanbeusedtodissolveavarietyofsubstances,isavery goodinorganicsolvent,waterusedasasolventsolution,that iscalledwatersolution.Use"AQ"asatoken,suchas"HCl" (AQ)". Whensubstancesaredissolved...
2)The sand in the water would be an example of a suspension. The suspended particles are visible under a microscope and will settle down over time if left undisturbed. It shows the difference between the suspension and the colloid, in which the suspended particles are smaller and do not sett...
US5180522 Mar 4, 1988 Jan 19, 1993 Yoshiaki Kawashima Colloid solution for preparing suspension having both fluidity and suspensibilityUS5180522 * Mar 4, 1988 Jan 19, 1993 Yoshiaki Kawashima Colloid solution for preparing suspension having both fluidity and suspensibility...
Mucinous (or colloid) carcinoma of the breast is a rare form of invasive ductal carcinoma. In this type of cancer, the tumor is composed of abnormal cells that "float" in pools of mucin, part of the slimy, slippery substance known as mucus. Mucus lines most of the inner surface of our...
In this chapter, we derive a general electroacoustic theory for the electric field or the potential difference, which will be found to be the sum of CVP and IVP, caused by a sound wave in a dilute suspension of spherical colloidal particles of radius a in an electrolyte solution [16]. ...