当将Suspense与React Router一起使用时,Typescript可能会引发显式函数返回类型错误。这是因为Suspense组件在React Router中的使用方式可能会导致类型推断错误。 React Router是一个用于构建单页面应用程序的库,它提供了路由功能,使得在不同的URL路径下渲染不同的组件成为可能。而Suspense组件...
带了翻天覆地的变化,使用了Typescript 进行了大规模的重构,带来了Composition API RFC版本,类似React ...
这里我们使用的是react里面的suspense和lazy。 页面比较多,使用了动态路由加载的方式 话不多说,上代码 (不需要太多自定义功能的话可以直接用 react-router-config(https://github.com/cherijs/react-router-config ),路由渲染这部分就不用自己另外再写了) renderRoutes.tsx importReactfrom'react'importrenderRoutesMap...
如果您使用像React Router这样的导航库,您可以通过路由进行应用程序的代码拆分,在您的Route组件中分别延迟加载每个页面的入口点。 您可以自己实现此行为 - 在动态导入组件时呈现加载状态 - 而不使用Suspense和React.lazy,但是使用Suspense更加优雅。然而,这引发了一个问题:如果我们能够简化在useEffects中进行的所有数据获...
react使用lazy()和Suspense实现根据路由进行代码分割 App.js: import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch, Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import React, { Suspense, lazy } from 'react'; const Home = lazy(() => import('./Home'));...
const Home = React.lazy(() => import('./components/Home/Home')); class App extends React.Component { public render() { return ( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route path="/" exact={true} component={WithLazyLoad(Hello)} /> <Route path="/home" exact={true} component={WithLazyLoad(Home)...
const Home = React.lazy(() => import('./components/Home/Home')); class App extends React.Component { public render() { return ( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route path="/" exact={true} component={WithLazyLoad(Hello)} /> <Route path="/home" exact={true} component={WithLazyLoad(Home)...
What version of React Router are you using? 6.14.0 Steps to Reproduce Default deferred data set up: Implement a loader with defer, use React.Suspense with Await A search input in a Form or default search parameter logic with useSearchParams or useNavigate ...
A React hook for resolving promises with Suspense support. <1kb bundle. reacthookspromisehacktoberfestsuspense UpdatedFeb 12, 2023 TypeScript A React router library enabling the render-as-you-fetch concurrent UI pattern. reactrouterreact-routeryarrsuspenseconcurrent-moderender-as-you-fetch ...
Remix is a full-stack web framework for React developed by the creators of React Router. Remix uses the defer response utility and the <Await> component or useAsyncValue hook to provide streaming/Suspense compatibility. As with Next.js, you would need to set up your application to work with...