When a transaction with no valid document is recorded, it causes a mismatch in the account balances. These kinds of transactions are recorded under a temporary account called the Suspense Account. After you record such transactions, you can rectify them. To do so, record them under the ...
一个临时账户,不会出现在财务报表科目中,只是为暂时调平trial balance 借贷两边总额而专门开设的账户,当会计师找出错误后,suspense account 期末应为零余额; If morethan one error or unidentifiable posting to a ledger account arises during anaccounting, they will be all merged together in the same ...
The account temporarily holds entries while you decide how you will classify them. A suspense account can also hold information about discrepancies as you gather more data. When you open an accounting suspense account, the transaction is considered in suspense. You can open a bank account to ...
If more than one error or unidentifiable posting to a ledger account arises during an accounting, they will be all merged together in the same suspense account. Indeed, until the cause of the errors is discovered, the bookkeepers are able to correct the errors. 有两种情况下会出现存疑账户: ...
In accounting, a temporary “parking place”for entries one does not know how to classify. Example:An apartment project receives a cash rent payment left in its mailbox. There is no indication of the name of the tenant, so the manager cannot post the payment to any particular account. Beca...
1. Because someone has made a mistake – it happens in real life!! 2. Not all the entries are ‘real entries’ As I explain in the lecture, the suspense account is not a ‘real’ account – it is there just for us to keep a check on the errors that we have found. ...
In all its applications, the main function of the suspense account is to make sure accounting records are kept accurately, and that no transaction is overlooked in the posting process. When some issue arises with a transaction, or the transaction is in the process of execution, the account fun...
模块十七 Suspense accounts 财务会计(Paper F3 Financial Accounting)是会计学专业开设的一门必修的专业基础课程, 是学习其他专业课程的入门课。适用对象为会计专业本科生,没有先修课程的要求。 F3财务会计是ACCA考试第一阶段的课程。本课程的目的是培养学生对于财务会
Define suspense accounts. suspense accounts synonyms, suspense accounts pronunciation, suspense accounts translation, English dictionary definition of suspense accounts. n. A temporary account in which entries of credits or charges are made until their p
Also found in: Dictionary, Financial. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> accountaccountingaccount state...suspense a... noun Words related to suspense account nounan account used temporarily to carry doubtful receipts and disbursements or ...