1)点击ImToken的“浏览”菜单进入DAPP页面: 2)点击SushiSwap进入寿司网页: 3)通过寿司页面,选择右上角“Exchange”菜单,点击进入兑换交易页面: 4)进入兑换交易页面,箭头上方是计价币种(此例为ETH),箭头下方是需兑换的币种。点击“选择通证”进入下一页面选择你需要兑换成的Token: 5)以SUSHI为例,在下面所示红色文本...
SushiSwap Exchange:SushiSwap 的旗舰产品使用户能够将任何ERC-20 代币换成任何其他ERC-20代币。 Kashi:这个 dapp 允许用户出于各种不同目的借出和借入加密货币,包括杠杆交易。 SushiBar:这个产品让用户可以质押他们的代币。 成为流动性提供者 (LP) 您可以快速开始的一项功能是成为SushiSwap的流动性提供者。流动性提供...
Exchange Rates: Convert INR to GBP | Convert GBP to SAR | Convert GBP to CAD | Convert GBP to JPY | Convert GBP to SEK | Convert GBP to EGP | Convert 100 CAD to GBP | Convert 1000 INR to CAD | Convert 100 SGD to INR | Convert 1000 THB to GBP | Convert 1000 JPY to GBP | ...
SushiBar合约的主要作用是抵押SUSHI以获得更多SUSHI,用户可以先抵押Sushi,然后获得xSushi作为回报,然后将其放到xSushi池中,当用户在SushiSwap交易所进行交易时,将收取0.3%的费用,此费用的0.05%以LP令牌的形式添加到SushiBar池中,当奖励合同被调用时(每天最少一次),所有LP代币都将以Sushi的价格出售(在SushiSwap Exchange...
SushiSwap(Aptos)是一个去中心化交易所,成立于2023年。目前该交易所可提供3种货币和4种交易配对的交易服务。 Sushi,也称为SushiSwap,是一家领先的多链去中心化交易所(DEX),在40多条链上线。SushiSwap于2020年8月下旬创建,以自动做市(AMM)的形式提供各种DeFi服务,让用户无需传统做市商即可交换代币。它允许用户...
An open source interface for Uniswap -- a protocol for decentralized exchange of Ethereum tokens. Website: uniswap.org Interface: app.uniswap.org Docs: uniswap.org/docs/ Twitter: @UniswapProtocol Reddit: /r/Uniswap Email: contact@uniswap.org Discord: Uniswap Whitepaper: Link Accessing the Uniswa...
In the Coinsquare app, all currencies available to trade can be found in the drop down list. 5. Buy SushiSwap (SUSHI) Congratulations! You’re now the proud owner of SUSHI. You can either HODL or use it to exchange SUSHI to CAD. ...
You've probably heard of SushiSwap by now. The Uniswap fork brought new features like staking and governance to the exchange. But how exactly are the contracts behind it working? It's actually not too difficult. Knowing how this works in detail will be a great way to learn about Solidity...
yearn.finance创始人Andre Cronje 9月10日在Medium发文宣布,yearn.finance将推出两项新产品:StableCredit协议和DEX yswap.exchange。StableCredit是一种集合了债务代币化稳定币,借贷,单边流动性AMM做市的去中心化借贷协议。ySwap是基于StableCredit协议的单边AMM DEX。9月12日,Andre Cronje发推称,拟提议永久性地销毁...
For elevating every day — access exclusive subscriptions, better savings rates, and exchange unlimited amounts of money. Metal £14.99/month For the global travellers and traders — relax with travel insurance, enjoy enhanced limits, and subscriptions worth £2,100 annually. Ultra £45/month...