🍣 诺丁汉终于有了一家寿司自助餐厅——Sushimania!位于6A Chapel Bar, Nottingham NG1 6JS,营业时间是中午到下午11:00,人均消费大约20英镑。🍣 这家店的点餐方式非常方便,可以通过扫码点餐。每位顾客每轮可以点3份寿司和3份热食,按人数叠加,最多可以点五轮。虽然一开始可能会担心不够吃,但实际上根本不用...
My fiancé and I visited Sushimania Nottingham this afternoon for the bottomless option, which includes a time limitation. After waiting for approximately 40 minutes, we were shocked to discover that the sushi and sashimi we ordered had not been served at all. I have a suggestion for the resta...