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地址:8935 Santa Monica Blvd, 西好莱坞, CA90069-4912 点评(5条) 3分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字 ...四人share的寿司 真的特别多量哈哈哈哈哈 口感很不错每种都好吃 真的是很良心的一家日料店了 2020-08-02 07:17来自携程 网友 maisushi 前几天去吃了这家日料店 性价比还蛮高的 我们点了一份四人...
Santa Monica View Newport Beach View Pasadena View Las Vegas Our Menus Sushi Roku combines the finest, freshest fish from pristine waters around the globe with the kind of artistry that can only be provided by a mature sushi chef ensuring superlative traditional sushi, together with a splash of...
"Santa Monica 海滩边上, 逛完海滩走过来很方便!..." 口味9.0环境9.2服务9.1 姜虎东白丁(BaekJeong Ktown) 406条评价|人均¥265 韩国料理|韩国城3465 W 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90020 推荐菜:雪花牛肉各种烤肉摇摇饭 "[服务铃]服务: 对于有冰过的啤酒杯总是会好感度➕➕➕🍻 ..." ...
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B.A.D. Sushi位于11617 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025-2907简介:B.A.D. Sushi是一...
鱼鲜海鲜|圣莫尼卡/威尼斯海滩301 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA 90401 推荐菜:鱼虾双拼饭海鲜三重奏shrimper's net catch "昨天顺利赴美通关,今早就来洛杉矶圣莫妮卡海滩啦。 旅游胜地..." 口味8.9环境9.1服务9.1 The Boiling Crab 111条评价|人均¥369 ...
onMarch 8, 2008 at 3:38 pmMonica Ok you got me on the sushi, I didnt like it until someone got me drunk on Mai Tais and it tasted great. I wont go crazy looking for it and I am not a sushi snob, but I like it! onMarch 8, 2008 at 5:37 pmkt ...