在支持的虚拟机管理程序上将 Linux VDA 当作 VM 运行时,需要作出一些更改。根据正在使用的虚拟机管理程序平台做出以下更改。如果正在裸机硬件上运行 Linux 计算机,则无需作出任何更改。 修复Citrix Hypervisor 上的时间同步问题 如果启用了 Citrix Hypervisor 时间同步功能,在每个半虚拟化的 Linux VM 中,您都会遇到 NTP...
PostgreSQL 14 has been added to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. For information about changes between PostgreSQL 14 and 13, see the upstream release notes. 5.4.2 mariadb-galera has been added # The mariadb-galera package has been added. This package contains configuration files and scripts that ...
Boot Linux Boot partition = /dev/hdb3 or /dev/hda3 (depends on the system) Configure the time zone = CET, local time setting Enter the computer and domain name. Configuration TCP/IP (= real Network) Type = eth0 IP Address , Net mask Install INETD Portmapper = No Name ...
Shuts down the SUSE Linux operating system. Network Operations Command Function ifconfig Queries the IP address configuration. netstat -an Queries all enabled ports. netstat -anp | grep Port number Or lsof -i :Port number Queries the information about a port. route Queries the route information....
Ce manuel vous ini- tiera aux bases de l'administration système sous Linux, comme les systèmes de fichiers, les processus d'amorçage et la configuration du serveur web Apache. Le Guide de l'administrateur SUSE LINUX se compose de cinq parties principales : Installation L'installation et ...
Log in to the management IP address as the sopuser user. For details, see Command Line Interface. Run the following command to switch to the root user: su - Run the following command to set enable_syndic_http_static_file_server to True in the configuration file: sed -i "s/^enable_...
Updated the NVDIMM support and configuration utilities including ndctl and others. 5.2.3 Default Size for Core Files Has Changed to unlimited # With systemd-coredump as the default coredump handler, the coredumping logic on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server has been enabled for all services by default....
Si la version de cloud-netconfig-azure est inférieure à la version 1.3, modifiez le fichier de configuration de l’interface réseau comme indiqué dans le code suivant pour empêcher le plug-in réseau cloud de supprimer l’adresse IP virtuelle (Pacemaker doit contrôler l’affectation)....
In SUSE OpenStack Cloud, all auditing configuration is centrally managed and controlled via input model YAML files on the Cloud Lifecycle Manager node. The settings are configured in the file ~/openstack/my_cloud/definition/cloudConfig.yml in an audit-settings section shown below the following tab...
#> ssh migration@ip-address -i private-certificate.pem migration@localhost:~> sudo tail -f /system-root/var/log/distro_migration.log Upgrading product SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 x86_64. Upgrading product Basesystem Module 15 SP1 x86_64. ...