I was joined by regulars who like our shady location – which also is just before the judges’ reviewing area. I took plenty of photos which are posted on Facebook (if you are a social media follower). If you also follow island restaurants, you may be interested in hearing that The San...
Attorney General William Barr has directed the federal prison system to execute three men before the end of the year. With the execution of Orlando Hall on November 19, the federal department of corrections has executed eight people since July 2020, after a hiatus of 17 years. Also scheduled ...
Facebook Email Print Pinterest Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp More Like this: Loading... Posted in 4th of July, American bald eagle, Captiva Island, Captiva real estate, Florida property, Florida real estate, Real estate, Sanibel Island, Sanibel real estate, SanibelSusan, SanibelSusan's Blog | Leave...
Release and Town Hall, all rolled into one 😊👍🏻🇺🇸 8/7/2024 click the link to watch on Facebook https://www.facebook./share/v/1Z9xwiZwkTmvSvQT/?mibextid=oFDknk ... TOSTART Use everyones SocialSecurity Number.. We all get them when get to working age where ...
Email Address: Follow Join 1,508 other subscribers Like my page on FacebookSee posts on my own art web site: Susan Happersett Bridges Conference – Seoul, Korea Box of Chaos – Launch Party – Friday May 30 Another new circle curve drawing New Circle Curve drawing Möbius AccordionBlog...
Facebook InstagramYou might also like to listen to our episode with Jacquie Forde.Music credit – Living Well Today intro and outro music, More Love and Happiness is provided courtesy of Canadian singer/songwriter, Clela A Errington.Source: Susan Wheeler-Hall ...
“Well, unless her Facebook page is lying, she already has two books to her name?” “She does?” I am in total shock, mouth hanging open. This lady has been extremely excited and supportive about my book, so to think that all along she was a published writer already, has me comple...
Susan M. MacDonald will be attending Worldcon (Renovation) this August 18-21 and signing her book on Sat 16:00 - 17:00, Autographing: Sat 16:00 (Autographing), Hall 2 Autographs (RSCC) Susan M. MacDonald will be attending the SF convention in Toronto this November for a book launch...
They don’t or can’t hide their feelings, they are who they are. They follow me down the hall; they say they were sad before I came and please come again because I’ve made their day. They have done more than that for me. They’ve changed my life. Excerpt from "He Leadeth ...
RESOURCES SACRED SPACES/SACRED WISDOM Join Dr. Susie's Facebook community to connect with others on their journey to the Sacred Space. JOIN TODAY SCIENCE AND SPIRIT OF HORSES Want more of the principles outlined in Sacred Spaces? Join Dr. Fay's YouTube Channel. SUBSCRIBE ...