Disponible en: http://semfyc.sicongresos.com/vposters/?idComu=U24HEtM4hFvZs9c6OWdPqdieKli7GVagWUlQ44-TsjY Google Scholar 7 D. Malmusi, C. Borrell, J. Benach Migration-related health inequalities: Showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin Soc Sci Med...
(unless other feed stated), PR: Pampa Rocha, DP: Domestic pig, LW: Large White, LL: Landrace, DD: Duroc, YY: Yorkshire, TT: Tamworth, CS: Cinta Senese, CB: Camborough, WB: wild boar, BW: body weight, R: restricted, CP: crude protein, NA: normal allowance, R1AG: Restricted to...