绘本《DK Readers (Level 2): Survivors – The Night the Titanic Sank AR:3.0》,DK Publishing 绘本内容 What an adventure! Will Tate looked out to sea and grinned.Will and his family were sailing to America on the Titanic.
TheTitanicwas a luxury vessel and the largest moveable man-made object of its time. It sank on April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic. Over 1,500 of the 2,240 passengers and crew lost their lives in the disaster. It remains a cautionary tale of the arroga...
How the One Seaman to Return for Titanic Survivors Wished He'd Been Even Braver; He Has Been Cast as One of the Few Courageous Figures to Emerge on a Night Best Remembered for Cowardice and Folly. but the Author of a New Book on the Titanic's Fifth Officer Harold Lowe Says the ...
historyVersion 1 of 1chevron_right Runtime play_arrow 28s · GPU T4 x2 Language Python Table of Contents Training the Linear modelCalculating AccuracyConclusion Competition Notebook Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source ...
historyVersion 1 of 1chevron_right Runtime play_arrow 15s Input COMPETITIONS Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster Language Python Competition Notebook Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster Public Score 0.77511 Best Score 0.77511 V1 License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 ...