Some might argue that this season is full of terrible players. But the reality is that the cast was made to look like fodder because of the work of one of the most dominant winners the game has ever had- and also there were some truly terrible players. The cast is generally not very ...
Season 40 Survivor: Winners at War 584. 40-1 12 Feb 20 Greatest of the Greats (120 min) 585. 40-2 19 Feb 20 It's Like a Survivor Economy (60 min) 586. 40-3 26 Feb 20 Out for Blood (60 min) 587. 40-4 04 Mar 20 I Like Revenge (60 min) 588. 40-5 11 Mar 20 The Bu...
Season and demographic information about each castaway. Within a season the data is ordered by the first voted out to sole survivor indicated byorderwhich represents the order they castaways left the island. This may be by being voted off the island, being evacuated due to medical reasons, or...
filter_vs(): Filters a data set to a specified version season or list of version seasons. filter_winner(): Filters a data set to the winners of a given season. The Sanctuaryis the survivoR package’s companion. It holds interactive tables and charts detailing the castaways, challenges, vote...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Wikipedia EA Star Wars (@EAStarWars) on Twitter: "One last shot for The #SWJediSurvivorSaberHunt! Be the first to find our location for a chance to win Cal's Lightsaber. Come prepared with proof of game completion." (backup link) STAR WARS: Jedi Survivor ...