If you’re a couple applying together, your spouse will need an additional $1300 USD monthly to qualify. This also varies by consulate. * * * * Feel free to copy while giving proper attribution: YucaLandia/Surviving Yucatan.© Steven M. Fry Read on, MacDuff. Posted in Uncategorized | ...
someone who loves you and really listens. It might have been a friend, counselor, mentor, spouse, parent, or sibling. These may fail you, but God will not. No matter your need or your mood, God hears you. As he listened to Hagar’s affliction in the wilderness (Genesis 16:11...
Sometimes it’s not or parents, but our spouse. That’s just as hard, and sometimes harder, because we really don’t expect our spouse to pass asway before we do. We need him or her with us. For better or worse. But that vow also added til we are parted by death. We tend to ...
If there is something MORE humiliating than being cheated on by your spouse, threatened by them, having your life savings stolen by them – it is having it all immortalized in music that’s out there in the public realm and completely misrepresents the truth. If anything, it did give me ...
A light grip works best whether you are serving a tennis ball, hitting a double off the wall in Fenway or making a 60 yard pitch shot in golf. Or worrying about the bills, your spouse, the job, or anything else. Assess, but don’t obsess. No one will ever want the phrase, “I ...
If you have kids, or a spouse, make sure they know you are around at least every couple days. I swear, I got in the worst arguments with my spouse when I forget to call for a few days, and suddenly need to call because I need something “done at home”. It is too easy to ...