EP4: Home Invasion 入室抢劫 When violent criminals break into your home, Navy SEAL Cade Courtley shows you how to fight back if escape is not an option. Learn how to get out of hand restraints and devise a plan for escap...
Surviving Disaster is unlike any other series on television as it may actually save a life. What's the best way to survive an earthquake, home invasion, plane hijacking, bioterrorism, hurricane or even a nuclear attack? Seasons 1 See all ...
IMDb链接: tt1495229 浩劫求生,又名:灾难求生,英文名:Surviving Disaster,是美国探索频道推出的一部,模拟真实生活环境下的灾难系列教学纪录片。由前海豹突击队员凯德·科特立主持。每集模拟一个灾难,都会假设是最坏的条件下的状况,会教你如何利用最新的求生知识和军队技巧,让你在浩劫面前,顺利逃生! 目前,浩劫求生已播...
First off — Chicken Disaster I had about 9 roosters and 85 hens. They were all so loving and tame, and so many different breeds since I have almost had a chicken rescue. I now have about 14 hens and 4 roosters. We were invaded by rogue dogs, coyotes and a few grey fox. We, at...
After the debate, I started reading the reactions and summaries about the CNN disaster that didn’t challenge Traitor Trump’s lies. As for me, it took an effort to set aside all the panic and criticisms I was hearing and reading about President Biden and wait a few days to learn more ...
To prepare for the end of the world or other massive disaster, you need to do a lot more than stock up on food, water and other needed supplies. In order to protect your family, it’s vital that you prepare for all security related issues and concerns. The following tips can help kee...