等待3分钟,等服务器配置文件创建完毕。 7.打开C:\GameServer\Servers\SurvivethenightsDedicatedServer\Config目录,出现ServerConfig.txt等共8个文件后关闭6中的CMD窗口。 8.配置服务器配置文件后保存,再次运行STN_Dedicated_Server.exe 运行服务器。 ServerConfig.txt代码说明 // Check the wiki For options. // /...
night-of-the-dead.kvp night-of-the-deadconfig.json night-of-the-deadmetaconfig.json night-of-the-deadports.json night-of-the-deadserversettings.ini night-of-the-deadstart.json night-of-the-deadupdates.json no-one-survived.kvp no-one-survivedconfig.json no-one-survivedmeta...
希望能给大家带来一些方便~还是那句话,能有一个人看到这个帖子并受益,偶的东西就算没白发~ 首先,是技能代码以及翻译(这个翻译因为是最初的版本,所以和汉化补丁的可能不太一样,不过应该不影响理解的说) 1L留坑...防抽 分享567 求生之路吧 电殻刃º 求生之路角色全部对白语录一览来自国外的L4D wiki,重复可删...
With the holidays approaching, many parents are preparing to pack up the family and hit the road for some quality time spent with loved ones. While the holiday season is certainly something to look forward to, traveling with little ones can be a bit daunting. Luckily for you, we've got s...
I had to get lunch from the cafeteria bc I didn't have time to pack one last night, and as I was walking through the tables to get to the stairs some guy grabbed my shoulder. I think I have 4th period with him. He was like "you're new right" and then invited me to sit at ...
Wikimedia Commons Open Government License 1.0 Find (Or Make) Adequate Shelter Especially at night, you'll want to find shelter. You may need to build your own, using large leaves and other shrubbery to make a tent of sorts, but you might find something that serves the same purpose in th...
htXXs://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser) LYNX still works with gopher (and a lot of http) and is crossplatform (linux,win, dos) hXXps://lynx.invisible-island.net/vas pup • August 29, 2020 2:16 PM Neuralink: Elon Musk unveils pig with chip in its brain https://www....
This is probably the one you dreaded reading about. Grubs are very easy to find and collect, and some even taste not-disgusting.Rasbak / Wikimedia Commons When and Where:The best place to collect them is in rotting logs. You can also try stripping bark off of living trees, or searching...
After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph. 4)在全球化热潮中,我们要地方不同文化的冲突。 In the rush to go for globalization, 分享回复赞 魔兽世界吧 剑残雪飘 i can't survive another night away from younow i need to live the truth ...
We still don’t have a mayor; there will be a runoff on April 4 between Brandon Johnson, a member of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, and Paul Vallas, the former head of Chicago Public Schools. ++++ MarketsWiki Stats 27,225 pages; 243,231 edits MarketsWiki Statistics ++++ Lead...