How to Build Survival Shelters - Tips and TechniquesShannon Rizzotto
Best Air Filtration System for Fallout Shelters byStrider March 29, 2022 In survival, every second counts. Preppers and survivalists know this, and that’s why they are prepared when the inevitable SHTF situation happens. One thing that all survivalists and preppers know is the Rule of Threes...
I guess this goes to show howmodern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’What’s crazy is…it’s so easy to fix. To make sureYOUhave the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows youHOW. Nothing crazy here…this isn’t d...
When one is thinking of how to build a disaster shelter, different factors like the resources and materials available at your disposal come to mind. The good part about building such shelters is that one needs not break the bank to be safe in SHTF situations. Materials to be used in constr...
Learning to make a water filter is a valuable survival skill and could be a life save.(read more) Building a Quinzee Quinzees are great group shelters to build for fun. More importantly, they can be built in two shakes of a muskox tail to keep winter backpackers from freezing to death....
One of the biggest parts of survival is finding the right shelter. In bushcraft training, they have specially designed courses that can teach you to build a shelter from natural materials that are thermally efficient. As well as this, you will learn about shelters for your survival kit as wel...
Survival Shelters: How to construct a shelter and stay protected from the elements. Water in a Survival Situation: Finding water and purifying it if you have to. How to Make a Fire: Fire by friction and modern methods. Survival Food: Finding and preparing edible plants, insects and animals ...
Learning how to tie paracord knots empowers you with practical skills. From making survival bracelets to securing gear during outdoor activities, paracord knots are essential for crafting reliable tools. Emergency Situations In emergencies, paracord can be a lifesaver. It can build shelters, create ...
Winterizing your home to prevent common damage What steps to take in your home and car as the storm arrives Check out our separate guide to learnhow to survive common winter emergencies, such as falling through ice or building wilderness snow shelters. ...
Vivos is an ownership network of survival shelters accessible only to its owner members. Once you apply for membership, the Vivos Risk Management Team will evaluate your application profile for determination and candidacy of your membership.