Evaluating the Prognostic Factors and Survival Rates of Endometrial Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Northeast Thailanddoi:10.31557/APJCP.2024.25.2.671Rakwarinn WannasinKavin ThinkhamropKelly, MatthewNaratassapol LikitdeeAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention...
The survival rate for any cancer is calculated by how many patients are still alive after five years from the date of their diagnosis. With the advances in cancer treatment, some cancers with excellent prognoses are now changing to a ten-year survival rate....
While cancer-specific survival rate was in favor of patients who undergo early RC for high-risk NMIBC, significant proportion of patients still would be overtreated. In addition, the potential morbidity and mortality of the RC must be taken into consideration. Therefore the careful follow-...
National Cancer Data Base report of associations, patterns, and survival benefit of lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer There are no randomized trials comparing outcomes of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) versus neurosurgical resection in the management of limited brain metastases. We sought to evaluate ...
Deaths attributed to causes other than the underlying cancer were treated as losses to follow-up at the date of death under the assumption that deaths from the underlying cancer were independent of deaths from other causes. Therefore, a cancer-specific survival rate, for example, the 5-year ...
Maintenance therapy with selinexor provides durable survival benefits for endometrial cancer with TP53 mutations, according to a study presented during the July 2023 session of the American Society for Clinical Oncology Plenary Series. Brian M. Slomovitz, M.D., from the Mount Sinai Medical Center ...
Background BRCA1/2 mutations have been shown to be associated with the development of many solid tumors including endometrial cancer (EC). The objectives of this study are to analyze the association between BRCA1/2 mutational status and clinicopathological characteristics as well as outcomes in EC ...
“cure rate” term35had an improved fit (Supplementary Fig.3). Since the improvement in fit was modest and two-parameter Weibull forms are both more computationally tractable and are more parsimonious, we relied on them for all subsequent large-scale analysis. However, the use of a cure rate...
The survival rate for colon cancer, as with any type of cancer, depends on the stage of the tumors and how far the disease has progressed when treatment begins.
Long-term survival of intermediate risk endometrial cancer (stage IG3, IC, II) treated with full Chang Gung - Fanning - 2004Fanning J. Long-term survival of intermediate risk en- dometrial cancer (stage IG3, IC, II) treated with full lymphadenectomy and brachytherapy without telether- apy....