We’ve covered the survival kit essentials, but as we said earlier: there isn’t a perfect survival kit. Your situation, specific resources, andpossible threatsvary from the next person’s. In this section, we list additions that are not essential but could be extremely helpful during a spec...
Along the same line as the glue sticks, a small sewing kit can be used to stitch up tears in clothing. While dental floss and other sorts of thin cordage can be used, consider picking up a travel sewing kit instead. Of course, knowing how to properly sew on a button as well as repa...
Motorists get stranded on roads in whiteout conditions every winter; here's what you need to have in your car to be prepared if it happens to you this winter.
Get asmall fishing tackle boxwith a few essentials to catch some trout, bluegill, or bass. A few crankbaits, some plastic worms, toss in some catfish stink bait, some lead, some hooks, a bobber or 2, and you’re all set. If you don’t, you’ll have to fashion a hook out of ...
The Ready America Survival Kits are the most affordable option on my list. The kits come in three sizes, the 1-person, 2-person, and 4-person kits. It is a lightweight kit, and considering the price, it just offers the bare essentials. You may need to consider boosting it with more...
Urban Survival Kit Planning Factors Bug out situations that occur in urban centers have several unique factors to consider when building your Bug Out Bag packing list. These urban survival factors include: Having to deal with building debris and glass in the wake of the disaster event. ...
The best emergency survival kit is the Redfora Earthquake Bag. It includes shelter, food, water, and supplies for two people.
Because I wish to carry my portable survival kit in a tin, size in important. I like the Blocklite because its form factor allows it to easily fit in tight space. The LEDs are bright and the 9Volt battery holds it’s charge of a long time. ...
To help you survive the office and ensure you’re fully prepared for everything (even ahot summer’s day), we’ve devised a list of the ultimate survival kit essentials. You can keep these items in your desk drawer, in a box, in your car or anywhere you like – as long as they ...
Survival Kit Essentials What you need in your survival kit for wilderness or urban survival A survival kit can make the difference between life and death. Be it something kept in the car at all times, stored at the house in a "bug out bag", or prepared just before a backpacking trip, ...