Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Restoration Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Hunter Guides Hunter Leveling Guide PvE ...
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talents for your Ranged DPS Survival Hunter in WoW Classic — Season of Discovery, as well as advised runes. These are going to be the optimal talent points to take at level 60 in Season of Discovery, assuming that you are wanting to p...
3. Hunter Pet Classification Pets are separated into different families based on their types, such as cats, boars, or spiders. Each of the different pet families also falls into one of three categories: offensive, defensive, or general. As the names would suggest, offensive pets deal more dam...
Intimidationallows the pet to stun a trash mob for three seconds, which will also interrupt casts. Tier 3, level 45: Exhilarationis nice, just not quite as nice as some of the other talents in this tier. It’s better for situations where damage will come in bursts. ...
Deep SV (theoretically a tank) at 60 would spec 20/0/30 + 1 and grab all the defensive talents for their pet in BM along with imp monkey, then all the defensive talents in Surv. If they ever fix surv itll be with changing wyvern sting. thats where +1 comes from. The 15% agi ...
Before the change to melee all the hunter specs and certainly MM and Surv felt really similar to play, the only difference being 2 main attacks, the two specs could as well just have been one spec where you could use talents to create the tiny difference there was. You people are out...
() return state.conduit.necrotic_barrage.enabled and 5 or 3 end, } } ) -- Talents spec:RegisterTalents( { -- Hunter binding_shackles = { 102388, 321468, 1 }, -- Targets stunned by Binding Shot, knocked back by High Explosive Trap, knocked up by Implosive Trap, incapacitated...
Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Restoration Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Hunter Guides Hunter Leveling Guide PvE ...
I would like to see disengage reset harpoon and certain abilities do more damage at range so it is designed to jump back and forth. That would be nice, and quite fun to be fair, and would make some talents and item abilities more optimal Reply With Quote ...
I have played around with SV on my main but wanted to really understand the feeling of being a melee hunter, so have decided to level one. The issue is I have looked for a guide for what talents I should use or pet suggestions, but icyviens inly gives 110 to 120 tips, so I wanted...