talent=cZceVo0hZe00iocIhxdAh0u Need Haste:http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=coZMeVo0hZe00iocIhxdAh0u Stats As a Survival Hunter you will find that some stats you are looking for are different than that for the Beast Mastery Talent build. Here are some key points on each stat. Level 80 ...
A guide to optimizing your DPS with the Survival Hunter spec (for PvE: Raids, etc.) in the Mists of Pandaria, with builds, stats, gems, and more.
This won’t be an exhaustive list, but here’s just of few items for any character to consider (sadly, I’ve had to remove wowhead links to each to post): Goblin Gliders Kit: You can use these devices anywhere and use them if you are dismounted while flying on any toon. These are ...