A survey was conducted to determine perceptions and attitudes of psychiatric services available to nursing homes and homes for the aged across Ontario. A questionnaire was sent by mail to medical and nursing directors separately. Thirty-six point eight percent of responders reported that the nursing ...
Our finding that nonprofit hospices were more likely to serve patients in the home and in inpatient hospice facilities, while for-profit hospices were more likely to serve patients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, supports the existing view5,13 that for-profit hospices focus on pat...
nursing homes. They were usually 120 beds or more in size, and the majority were nonprofit or Veterans Administration units. Eighty-three percent (101/121) of medical schools had teaching programs involving nursing homes. Medical school courses that utilized nursing homes as teaching sites were ...
The survey was distributed to 515 Indiana Nursing Homes in August, 2013 and it has been continuously followed-up. This study seeks to achieve three objectives. First, this research explores how leadership, ownership, size, patient mix, and staffing mix affects nursing performance, and how the ...
Purpose The growing importance of residential nursing care has been accompanied by an increasing demand for instruments measuring quality of life in nursing homes. Quality of life is a complex construct with both subjective and objective aspects that does not lend itself to being determined by a sin...
Our study suggests nursing homes should have a clear policy addressing resident sexual activity. It would be beneficial for such a policy to be communicated to residents and their families as part of an admission package instead of waiting for sexual interest to be noticed. This would enable ...
1. Sex in Nursing Homes: A Survey of Nursing Home Policies Governing Resident Sexual Activity [J] . Journal of the American Medical Directors Association . 2016,第1期 机译:疗养院中的性别:关于管理居民性行为的疗养院政策的调查 2. Sexual Abuse of Older Residents in Nursing Homes: A Focus...
The results suggested that(1) The depression of old people in nursing homes were different from sexes.Depression of female was obviously higher than the male.However,depression of old people living at home were not so obvious for different sexes; (2) The index of depression of urban old ...
For-profit compared with nonprofit hospices cared for a larger proportion of patients with longer expected hospice stays including those in nursing homes (30% vs 25%; P=.009). For-profit hospices were more likely to exceed Medicare's aggregate annual cap (22% vs 4%; ARR, 3.66 [95% CI,...