2017) about HIV/STI and related behaviours among MSM, including a mapping of the likely legal, structural, provider and individual barriers to prevention and treatment. It was also informed by a scoping exercise of available national MSM questionnaires published since EMIS-2010....
The following self-administered questionnaires were used for participant evaluation: 2.3. Statistical analysis First, between group difference in demographic variables and scores on psychological scales were tested with t-tests for continuous data and χ-square tests for categorical data. Next, stepwise...
Note that there were too few respondents who completed the 2013 interview in Tagalog to include them in this analysis. As Fig. 1a clearly demonstrates, respondents who participated in the English-language survey reported distinct health outcomes, relative to those who were interviewed in another ...
The questionnaires were sent and collected via the post to the staff members who worked at 11 facilities, including each of 10 Rosai hospitals, and the Japan Labor Health and Welfare Organization’s headquarters between June 1 and July 29, 2011. Answered questionnaires were collected at Kagawa Ro...