SurveyMonkey 提供各種問題類型,您可以建立收集所需資訊的調查問卷。 在「設計問卷」區段中,按一下建立,以存取所有可用的問題類型和調查問卷元素,協助您管理調查問卷頁面。 在「建立」區段,您可以將游標懸停在問題類型上方,檢視每個問題類型。 您可以按一下「瞭解更多」 ,檢視客戶支援中心關於該問題類型的文章。
Avoid jargon, technical terms, or complex language that might confuse respondents. Ensure each question is clear and focused on one topic at a time to avoid ambiguity. Avoid leading questions Craft questions that do not lead or influence respondents towards a particular answer. Instead of asking,...
Get help adding questions to your survey. All question types, including Text and Image, count towards the 10-question limit of SurveyMonkey's Free plan.
Learn more Get the best data from your survey. Learn how to find survey respondents people with these tools and tips from our survey research experts. Learn more Learn more See how SurveyMonkey can power your curiosity Get started
SurveyMonkey 題庫是您的最佳幫手,那裡有數千個預先撰寫好且符合方法學要件的問題,能幫助您獲得最有用的回覆。我們自己聘請方法學家認證並建立了這部題庫,讓您可以按類別查找最常見問題來放進您的調查問卷裡。每個問題和答案選項的設計,都是以減少偏見、讓您收集最準確的答案為方針。在 SurveyMonkey,您可以快速輕鬆...
到SurveyMonkey 題庫尋找下一份調查問卷需要的研究問題範例 專業型註冊免費註冊 雖然SurveyMonkey 已經把線上調查問卷的製作、執行和分析都變簡單了,但我們知道有時候最困難的部分是決定如何提出第一個問題。無論您是需要一份調查問卷範本,還是只想要從範例問題中尋找一些靈感,我們都有資源可以幫助您。
This premium feature is currently open to certain SurveyMonkey plans for a limited time. Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Survey ID surveyId True string Select a survey Response ID responseId True string Select a response Question IDs question_ids string Filter the response ...
This premium feature is currently open to certain SurveyMonkey plans for a limited time. Parameters Розгорнутитаблицю NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Survey ID surveyId True string Select a survey Response ID responseId True string Select a response Question IDs question_...
Survey responders do not require a SurveyMonkey Account. You can link an existing account or create a new one for any plan type. Basic (free) users may have limited features such as reduced question types or response limits based on current SurveyMonkey plan types. For current plan details,...
8. QuestionPro QuestionProanother SurveyMonkey alternative has a wide range of applications to track and manage customer experience, the pulse of the customers, and employee engagement. It claims to create surveys within 5 minutes using 40+ question types. It has many features similar to SurveyMon...