Sahai Baldev & Samuel T V 1980 Land Use Survey of Idukki District , Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad and Kerala State Land Use Board, Trivandrum 109 p.Sahai B, Parihar J S, Nayak S R, Singh T P, Muley M V, Tiwari C B, Tamilarasan V, Shende D N, Samuel T V, Thomas C V,...
IRS officers, CBDT officers of higher ranks against whom there were charges of corruption, criminal offenses, smuggling and so on. This is being done to give a clear warning that unethical public behavior will not be tolerated by the government. Maintaining higher standards and integrity in bure...
Appropriate artificial recharge techniques must be used in the affected regions to stop seawater intrusion and increase freshwater recharge.Karthikeyan, SivakumarKulandaisamy, PrabakaranSenapathi, VenkatramananChung, Sang YongThangaraj, Kongeswaran
3and Houria Dakak 3 1 Laboratory Mediterranean Environment and Agro-Hydrosystem Modelling (UMR 1114 EMMAH), Hydrogeology Department, Avignon University, 84000 Avignon, France 2 Laboratory in Applied and Marine Geosciences, Geotechnics and Georisk (LR3G) Faculty of Science Tetouan, Abdelmalek Essaâdi...