Surrealism is the 20th century art movement that explored the hidden depths of the unconscious mind. SALVADOR DALI (1904-1989) Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), 1936 (Oil on Canvas) Surrealism was the 20th century art movement that explored the hidden depths of ...
sur‧real‧is‧m /səˈrɪəlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] a style of 20th-century art or literature in which the artist or writer connects unrelated images and objects in a strange way—surrealist adjective a surrealist painting—surrealist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpus...
surrealism meaning, definition, what is surrealism: a style of 20th-century art or literatur...: Learn more.
ALAVPa style of 20th-century art or literature in which the artist or writer connects unrelated images and objects in a strange way〔20世纪艺术或文学的〕超现实主义 —surrealistadjectiveadj a surrealist painting 一幅超现实主义画作 —surrealistnoun[countableC] ...
ロングマン現代英英辞典より sur‧real‧is‧m/səˈrɪəlɪzəm/noun[uncountable]astyleof 20th-centuryartorliteraturein which theartistorwriterconnectsunrelatedimagesand objects in astrangeway—surrealistadjectivea surrealist painting—surrealistnoun[countable] ...
词汇surrealism 释义 surrealismsur·re·al·ism/səˈriəlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable](art美术,English language arts英语语言文学)a20thcenturystyleandmovementinartandliteratureinwhichimagesandeventsthatarenotconnectedareputtogetherinastrangeorimpossibleway,likeadream,totrytoexpresswhatishappeningdeepinth...
释义surrealism n[U] 20th-century movement in art and literature that tries to express what is in the subconscious mind by showing objects and events as seen in dreams, etc 超现实主义(20世纪的文艺潮流, 藉表现梦境等以表达潜意识的内容).
Intro to surrealism: internet research Our next mini-unit will explore the 20th century art movement known as surrealismArtist (name)
a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc. [< Frenchsurréalisme(1924). Seesur-1,realism] ...
The surrealist movement, which traced its lineage from the Marquis de Sade and G. de Nerval through A. Rimbaud and Lautréamont to A. Jarry and G. Apollinaire, who introduced the term “surrealism,” grew out of dadaism and was influenced, in art, by the metaphysical painting of G. de ...