In fact, the same authority points out that second-hand smoke increases one’s likelihood of developing not only lung cancer but also breast cancer and cancers in the throat, nasal cavity and sinuses in adults, as well as raises the risk of children developing lymphomas, leukemia, and brain ...
quitting, tiny cilia (seen here) start back to work sweeping irritants out of the lungs.Within a year, your risk of developing heart disease drops to half that of people who still smoke. Andafter 10 smoke-free years, you're no more likely to die of lung cancer than someone who never...
Fact: A Limp Can Mean Lung Trouble Dogs and cats sometimes come to the vet for a limp and leave with a diagnosis of lung cancer or some other pulmonary issue. Cancer in the chest can activate the leg bones to grow new tissue -- causing swelling and pain in the legs. A more typical...
Eager to unsettle those assumptions, she guided her team to ask fundamental questions about how the lungs of different classes ofvertebratesbuild themselves. “The architecture of the bird lung is just so incredibly different from that of the mammalian lung,” Nelson said. For example...