The sports comedy starring Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Rosie O’Donnell, Tom Hanks, and Madonna was groundbreaking. Here are some facts you might not know about it.
Discover 24+ Tree-mendously Surprising Christmas Facts Have you ever wondered why we hang stockings above the fireplace? Did you know that Santa Claus was a real person? Where did the idea for a Christmas tree come from? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and many more ...
Discover 24+ Tree-mendously Surprising Christmas Facts Have you ever wondered why we hang stockings above the fireplace? Did you know that Santa Claus was a real person? Where did the idea for a Christmas tree come from? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and many more uniq...
Discover 24+ Tree-mendously Surprising Christmas Facts Have you ever wondered why we hang stockings above the fireplace? Did you know that Santa Claus was a real person? Where did the idea for a Christmas tree come from? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and many more ...
(a gift from NBC) not far from his driveway in Agoura Hills, California. He wasn’t severely injured, but the resulting DUI arrest spurred him to check in at the Betty Ford Clinic.Frasierwas on hiatus for the following three weeks due to the Major League Baseball playoffs, and the ...
Here are 10 surprising facts about Harrison fromRailroader. ONE In his teenage years, Hunter was acquainted with Elvis Presley. Yes,thatElvis Presley. His wife, Jeannie, went to the same high school as Johnny Cash. TWO Hunter’s father, Tank, was demanding, to say the least, and Hunter ...
Florida Georgia Line‘s full cover story won’t be out until Friday, Oct. 10, but for now, here are five surprising things about FGL’s music. Kelley Ditched Baseball for Music Thanks to Christian Rock Although he was a left-hand-pitching baseball star in high school, Kelley realized he...
It is reported that there are about 390,900 plants in the world. The following may not be so eye-pleasing, but are certainly eye-catching. Baseball Plant This ball-shaped plant used to be only found in South Africa. It is thought to be endangered in the natural environment, yet it's...
Fantasy Isle is an adult boutique on Mill Ridge Road right down the hill from a school and right across the street from McDonalds. They sell movies, magazines and sex toys in all shapes and sizes, I'm not judging, I'm stating facts. Anyway, I was driving past the other day and there...
“In some ways, the Goodyear blimp is as much a part of football as tailgating or as hotdogs are to baseball,” said20-year veteran airship historian Dan Grossman. “You can imagine football without it, but it would be kind of sad. It has become part of our national consciousness.”...