The Irish name is Mac Gormain, derived from the Gaelic gorm meanng “dark blue” or possibly “noble.” Early Celtic warfare entailed painting the face or body to intimidate the enemy. It is conjectured that Mac Gormain warriors might have picked up this nomenclature in battle and it was...
Russian upper class, noble, and royal families adopted surnames in the 16th century, but the rest of the country waited another four hundred years to do it. As with most other places in the world, the first surnames among any class in Russia were patronymic ones. These were names that ...
“The most noble William Ryan, chief of the country of Owney and head and prince of the ancient family of Ryans, caused the monument to be erected to himself, his wife, and his children. The honor of his posterity and praise of his ancestors caused William Ryan to construct this graceful...
Frank Barlow’s 2003 bookThe Godwins: The Rise and Fall of a Noble Dynastytracks the history of this feuding family that, but for Hastings, might have created an Anglo Saxon dynasty in England. Reader Feedback – Early Godwins/Goodwins. I found a record in Winchester showing Goodwin there...
Caom means “noble” or “gentle”. Also means “descendent of Caoinmh”, himeself son of Fionghuine, a King of Munster. O’Leary Variant:Leary In Irish:O Laoghaire Found in:Cork Origin:Gaelic Means “calf keeper” O’Malley Variant:Melia ...