He was leaning against the palisades which enclosed his courtyard; but being rather corpulent and heavy, the wood gave way. He fell with great violence. This occasioned a contusion of the spine and he died within twenty four hours, laboring under the most excruciating torture although he ...
This compares with the roughly 60,000 Wagners whose ancestors crossed the Atlantic and now live in America. Wagners starting coming in 1710, following the religious disturbances in the Palatine.England. The Wagner numbers in England are small....
Four,thenumberofstrokesinthesamefamilyname,starting fromthesameorderofstrokes,inaccordancewiththefont structureofthesurnamesortingprinciple.Firstleftand rightwords,andthenupanddownshapecharacters,afterthe wholebodycharacters.Forexample,thesameiseight.[]the ...
John Newton in the Eye of the Storm.TheGreyhoundhad been thrashing about in the north Atlantic storm for over a week. Its canvas sails were ripped and the wood on one side of the ship had been torn away and splintered. The sailors had little hope of survival but they mechanically worked ...
Springer family history, starting from Thuringia in Germany in the 11th century, was first recounted in Moses Springer’s 1881 book A Genealogical Table and History of the Springer FamilyFrom an early American perspective, the key Springer line originated with Christopher Springer, resident of the ...
The Wagstaff Exodus to Utah and the American West.Wagstaffs encountered Mormon preachers in rural Bedfordshire and many joined up with the Church of Latter Day Saints. Many then left their homes for a long voyage by ship and covered wagon to the American West, starting in the 1850’s. ...
However, the main sightings, starting in the early 1700’s, have been in Fermanagh.There have been three possibly four Noble family lines in Fermanagh – at Glassdrummond, Lisnaskea, and Donagh. James Noble died at Glassdrummond in 1719 at the age of sixty-five. There was also a Major ...
Newtons from Virginia were 18th and 19th century landowners in Maryland (initally Dorchester county), starting with Nimrod Newton who died in 1792. More Newtons fought on the Union side than on the Confederate side during the Civil War: John Newton was a Union general from Norfolk, Virginia. ...