»People » Surnames Starting with K Surnames Starting with K NameCountryCategoryGenderBirthDeath Kagawa, KiyotoJapanMilitary-SeaMale18951943 Kahn, Louis-LazareFranceMilitary-SeaMale1895 Kaiser, HenryUnited StatesCommerce-IndustryMale18821967 Kaku, TomeoJapanMilitary-SeaMale1942 ...
“Frank had made the migration to California, starting out in a wagon train that included the ill-fated Donner party. When the Donners and a few others decided to try a “new shortcut” to California, Kellogg elected to stay with the main party. He arrived in northern California in time...
However, almost without exception, these surnames have bearers referred to in the 19th century as born outside of the Land of Israel, often in the same countries from which migrants with the same names came during the previous centuries. If we just take names starting with A-, then such ...