Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are highly social animals that live in arid regions of southern Africa where they feed on a range of vertebrate and invertebrate prey. From: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Second Edition), 2019 About this pageSet alert ...
The meerkat (Suricata suricatta) is a small species of foraging mammal that is found inhabiting the harsh conditions of the open and arid, semi-desert plains in southern Africa. Meerkats differ from the other mongoose species by being unusually sociable animals. Most mongooses are more solitary ...
本文通过展示,在组中的猫鼬 (Suricata suricatta),动物守卫从安全的站点,以及孤立的个人,以及组成员在警卫队上花了他们的时间的一部分,为这个最后的解释提供支持。虽然个人很少采取连续护回合,有没有定期的罗塔和提供的食物增加守卫的贡献并减少一阵阵由同一个人之间的延迟。