Jan.-Mar. 2005; 9 (1): 39-41; Center for Women's Care & Reproductive Surgery, Atlanta, Georgia, USA cwcrs@mindspring.com. Market and Technology Updates: Bipolar Endoscopic Device; Jan. 24, 1990; The BBI Newsletter, v.13, n. 1, pN/A. Matsumura Y. et al.; New Surgical ...
https://pharmaceuticalintelligence.com/founder/medtech-medical-devices-for-cardiovascular-repair-curations/ Editor-in-Chief’s Commissions and Investigator-initiated Articles on MedTech and Cardiovascular Medical Devices Published by LPBI Group’s Team Members Co-Curation Articles on MedTech and Cardiovascu...
外科仿真科学 Surgical Simulation SurgicalSimulationMasterFile RichardM.Satava,MDFACS ProfessorofSurgeryUniversityofWashingtonSchoolofMedicine and ProgramManager,AdvancedBiomedicalTechnologiesDefenseAdvancedResearchProjectsAgency(DARPA)and SpecialAssistant,AdvanceMedicalTechnologiesUSArmyMedicalResearchandMaterielCommand Pleasegive...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; 4. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; 5. University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington; 6. Highland Hospital and University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New...
Jan.-Mar. 2005; 9 (1): 39-41; Center for Women's Care & Reproductive Surgery, Atlanta, Georgia, USA cwcrs@mindspring.com. Market And Technology Updates: Bipolar Endoscopic Device; Jan. 24, 1990; The BBI Newsletter, v.13, n.1, pN/A. Matsumura Y. et al.; New Surgical ...