Our practice is limited to conventional root canal therapy and surgical root canal therapy. We have two locations located in Parker & Aurora
Because of the patient's age, collaboration among periodontic, endodontic, and orthodontic residents/specialists informed the clinical decision to pursue non-surgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) rather than extraction. The canal was cleaned and shaped to a size #80 using copious irrigat...
1,3 Various criteria for successful root canal treatment have been proposed, most notably the “strict”4 and “loose”5,6 criteria, which are primarily categorised based on complete reversal of the periapical radiolucent area or its arrest. On the other hand, other terms such as favourable, ...
Non-surgical root-canal treatmentK Gulabivala and Y-L Ng Principles of root-canal system management The treatment of choice for management of periapical disease is the elimination of microorganisms and their products from the root-canal system. Microorganisms may be found in suspension in the root...
root-canal anatomyroot-canal treatmentThe article focuses on other non-flammable, low global warming potential (GWP) blends of alternatives of HFO, which will meet the requirements of the 150 GWP ceiling set by the European Commission (EC)....
Conclusions. Non-surgical root canal treatment may invoke a detectable bacteraemia.doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2004.09.008L. SavarrioD. MackenzieM. RiggioW.P. SaundersJ. BaggElsevier LtdJournal of DentistrySavarrio, L., Mackenzie, D., Riggio, M., Saunders, WP., & Bagg, J. (2005). Detection ...
non-surgical root canal treatmentradiological examinationThe purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of cold and electric pulp tests in combination with other standard endodontic diagnostic methods used to assess pulpal status. Methods selected for evaluation were history of pain, ...
The aim of this study is to examine the survival distributions of primary root canal treatment using interval-censored data and to assess the factors affec
Root canal treatment usually fails because infection remains within the root canal. An orthograde attempt at re-treatment should always be considered first. However, when surgery is indicated, modern microtechniques coupled with surgical magnification will lead to a better prognosis. Careful management ...
Objective:By lumbar intervertebral disc herniation combined analysis of surgical treatment of lumbar nerve root canal stenosis to discuss the experience of failure analysis.Methods:198 cases admitted to our hospital from May 2007-May 2009 a total of 138 cases of lumbar disc herniation combined with ...