Step No. 7: Bilateral surgery.For lens-based surgery, we perform immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery in 95% of cases because it is easier for patients to organize their work obligations around a single recovery period. To prevent infection, all draping, gloves, and instruments are cha...
In the context of forward-looking statements, the non-GAAP financial measures facilitate period-to-period comparisons by excluding the effects of events that have occurred in the past or may occur in the future and have accounting consequences that can mask...
An ideal surgical risk calculator should be one that is simple, objective, reproducible, accurate [9], and learns knowledge from patient data by using a series of empirical risk models to provide patients with surgical risk prediction results in a specific time period [13]. The results not ...
We included a long study period, over which time medical practice changed. Nonetheless, this period was needed to allow time for interventions to have impact on disease progression. We did not carry out analyses on those with only endovascular interventions, which made delineating the effectiveness ...
ACS Risk Calculator. Home page. Accessed April 4, 2020. 7. Rockwood K, Song X, MacKnight C, et al. A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people. CMAJ. 2005;173(5):489-495. doi:10.1503/cmaj.050051...
A global curriculum [3] has been introduced as well as a curriculum for enhancing the understanding of research and trials in cancer surgery [4]. The “general” surgical oncologist has become an near obsolete entity due to the pragmatic phenomenon of further differentiation and specialization in ...
Surgical prophylactic antibiotics were administered to 493 patients, out of which 347 patients’ data were included in pre-implementation period and post-implementation period included 146 patients. Both periods showed similar results in terms of sex, age, nationality and body weight distribution, with...
regard to the signal ratio, keratometry (K) readings, and a posterior segment OCT scan (IOLMaster 700; Figure 3). When a toric IOL will be implanted, I use the Barrett integrated K readings, Barrett Toric Calculator (Figure 4), and the biometry-suggested K readings (Figure 3, top right...