It is, however, clearly not feasible for all women requiring surgery to be treated by female surgeons. Thus, these data emphasize the importance of better understanding the underlying differences in surgical practice for male and female surgeons. In addition to potentially allowing improvements in sur...
Exactly. Because it’s flat, it almost seems to be about flatness but it isn’t. It’s about multi-dimensional and multi-perspectival discussions on things like women’s sexuality, imaging the woman, woman’s ability to control how her image is being portrayed, how should she be viewed an...
This was coupled with the exacerbation of labour shortages in health human resources due to attrition and burnout [2]. As such, cancer surgery volumes were impacted during these years. Breast cancer (BC) surgery is unique among cancer operations as many surgeries can be performed in an ...
Prevalence and characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome among women with chronic pelvic pain OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate whether there are unique characteristics associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)-within a population that has chron... W Rehartmann - 《Dkgest of the World Latest ...
We’ve all met little girls who absolutely love their Barbie dolls, and we’ve heard of a couple of women getting breast implants and other cosmetic procedures to look more like the famous doll. However, we’ve never seen anything quite like this. Anastasia Reskoss, 20, and Quentin Dehar...
"I think emergency general surgery needs to be defined as a separate and unique specialty likecardiacsurgery or vascular surgery," he said. "This could stimulate discussion and perhaps lead to training changes to improve the quality and make emergency general surgeries safer so patients could get ...
巴奇-基什孔县警察局报道了一起奇怪的逮捕事件,涉及两名当地外科医生,他们在基什孔哈拉斯的医院秘密实施性别确认手术。 基什孔豪拉斯的秘密性别确认手术 根据警察.hu,警方在基什孔哈拉斯逮捕并拘留了两名医生,他们在当地医院工作之余为患者实施性别确认手术以牟利。警方在匈牙利中部城镇的一家私人诊所和医院逮捕了这两...
• Mini gastric bypass does not seem to put the gastric pouch at a higher risk of gastroesophageal cancer development. • A big proportion of gastroesophageal cancers after bypass surgeries occurs in the excluded stomach. • Duodenogastric reflux is a physiologic process that might become harmf...
Rabuka says while it served the children of Fiji, it also opened its doors to the children around the Pacific as well which is also something that is unique. He also acknowledge the support and the inspiration behind the hospital and also all the humanitarian...
We’re not going to sugarcoat it: Lung cancer is a big deal. It’s the leading cancer killer for both men and women in the US. But it doesn’t have to be this way. One of the main reasons that lung cancer is so dangerous is that it’s not spotted early enough for treatments to...