The SURGEON General's report,Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups,was released on April 27, 1998. This report is the first to focus on tobacco use among four U.S. racial/ethnic minority groups: African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacifi...
SmokingThis new report of the Surgeon General on the health effects of smoking provides a startling picture of the damage to health caused by tobacco use. Smoking injures almost all bodily organs, and tragically this injury often leads to incurable disease and death. The comprehensive review ...
This paper analyzes the Surgeon General's announcement on January 11, 1964 that cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action. Beginning with an analysis of the report itself, it discusses the fact that both newspapers and...
The Health Consequences of Smoking--50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General This 2014 Surgeon General's report chronicles the devastating consequences of 50 years of tobacco use in the United States. It updates data on the numerous... C International - United States. Public Healt...
TheSurgeonGeneral and aSmoke-FreeFuture In the early 2000s smokers risk more than their health. Bans and restrictions on smoking have swept through nearly every walk of public life, driving smokers out of offices, restaurants, and public buildings. Some firms even limit hiring to nonsmokers. Sin...
The 2004 United States Surgeon General's Report: The health consequences of smoking The NSW Public Health Bulletin is published by CSIRO PUBLISHING on behalf of the Population Health Division of the NSW Department of Health. Its purpose is to enable the timely communication of information on public...
The reports of US Surgeon General on smoking are considered the authoritative statement on the scientific state of the art in this field. The previous report on nicotine addiction published in 1988 is one of the most cited references in scientific articl
The reports of US Surgeon General on smoking are considered the authoritative statement on the scientific state of the art in this field. The previous report on nicotine addiction published in 1988 is one of the most cited references in scientific articles on smoking and often the only citation ...
The reports of US Surgeon General on smoking are considered the authoritative statement on the scientific state of the art in this field. The previous report on nicotine addiction published in 1988 is one of the most cited references in scientific articl
Excerpt In 1964, the Surgeon General released a landmark report on the dangers of smoking. During the intervening 45 years, 29 Surgeon General's reports have documented the overwhelming and conclusive biologic, epidemiologic, behavioral, and pharmacologic evidence that tobacco use is deadly. Our newe...