美 英 un.地面距离 网络表面距离;水平距离;表观宽度 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 地面距离 例句 释义: 全部,地面距离,表面距离,水平距离,表观宽度
Check the distance to the product surface, because if an incorrect (too large) value is entered, the existing level will be saved as false signal. vega.com 请检查与介质表面的距离,因为一 旦数据有错 (太大) ,最新物位会 被作为干扰信号储存。 vega.com [...] as increasing the reproducti...
一. Mean surface distance介绍 顾名思义,Mean surface distance这个指标就是P中所有点的表面距离的平均。这个指标又可称为Average Symmetric Surface Distance (ASSD),它也是医疗图像分割竞赛CHAOS中的一个评估指标。 This function is used to compute the Average Surface Distance from `y_pred` to `y` under...
surface-distance-master.zip 人工智能 - 深度学习痞子**绅士 上传18.2 KB 文件格式 zip package 图像分割评估指标——表面距离计算库: 这个库主要包含了以下几个表面距离计算: Average surface distance 平均表面距离 Hausdorff distance 豪斯多夫距离 Surface overlap 表面重叠度 Surface dice 表面dice值 Volumetric dice...
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Surface distance can be defined as the mean 3D Euclidean distance, standard deviation, and root mean square distance between the transformed source image and target image surfaces (Sturm et al., 2003). From: Medical Image Analysis, 2023
Surface Distance Based Metrics Summary When comparing multiple image segmentations, performance metrics that assess how closely the surfaces align can be a useful difference measure. This group of surface distance based measures computes the closest distances from all surface points on one segmentation to...
- Surface overlap - Surface dice - Volumetric dice - Average surface distance (see `compute_average_surface_distance`) - Hausdorff distance (see `compute_robust_hausdorff`) - Surface overlap (see `compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance`) - Surface dice (see `compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance`) ...
mean surface distance公式 Mean Surface Distance(MSD)的公式如下: 1.定义预测的边界像素为P,真实边界像素为Q。 2.对每一个像素点i,计算其到真实边界的距离dist(Pi, Qi),得到一个距离向量。 3.对这个距离向量取平均值,即为Mean Surface Distance(MSD)。 因此,Mean Surface Distance(MSD)就是预测的边界与真实...
ASD: Average Surface Distance ASD定义如下: (注意ASD并不对称,与豪斯多夫距离一样,ASSD是对称的,求了均值) 在三维数据中,需要计算体素表面的距离,如果三维数据集合A有m个点,三维数据集和B有n个点,那么,计算A到B的距离,需要计算A中每一个点与B中每一个点的距离,算法复杂度m*n; 这里推荐Deep Mind公布的...