Surface-water (streams and reservoirs) sources of public drinking-water supply (PWS) are susceptible tocontamination from point and nonpoint sources. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS) developed a system for assessing the susceptibility of PWS ...
In the aftermath of the fire (March 23rd, 2019), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) released a water quality report of their chemical analysis of surface waters in the immediate vicinity of the fire. The report found oil-derived hydrocarbon levels to far-exceed their ...
Prep. by Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program for Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. pp. 3:1-3:36.TCEQ. 2008a. 2008 Guidance for Assessing and Reporting Surface Water Quality in Texas. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. March 19, 2008.