The thresholding technique is applied to the SSWI map to automatically extract surface water. The performance of the SSWI method for surface water classification is validated and compared with the results of two widely used water classification methods, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) ...
can be obtained by implementing the test methods; accordingly, the producer’s accuracy and user’s accuracy are adopted to quantify the water extraction accuracy, and the OA metric is used to quantify the overall classification accuracy by considering both surface water and nonwater classification....
JRC Global Surface Water Mapping Layers产品,是利用1984至2020年获取的landsat5、landsat7和landsat8的卫星影像,生成分辨率为30米的一套全球地表水覆盖的地图集。用户可以在全球尺度上按地区回溯某个时间上地表水分的变化情况。产品由包含7个波段的图像组成,反映了过去35年间地表水在空间和时间的分布情况。
For Europe on the other hand, more groundwater than surface water measurements were obtained in the 1980s than later on. However, for the majority of the sampled water types of this database, the distribution has not changed substantially over time (Fig.1c). Regarding the number of measureme...
If you are using the data as a layer in a published map, please include the following attribution text: 'Source: EC JRC/Google' 引用: Jean-Francois Pekel, Andrew Cottam, Noel Gorelick, Alan S. Belward, High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes. Nature 540...
A freely available dataset produced from three million Landsat satellite images reveals substantial changes in the distribution of global surface water over the past 32 years and their causes, from climate change to human actions. The distribution of sur
Remote sensing has more advantages than the traditional methods of land surface water (LSW) mapping because it is a low-cost, reliable information source that is capable of making high-frequency and repeatable observations. The normalized difference wate
Map showing sampling locations in the Hanford 300 Area. Also displayed is the top 30 cm of the multi-level sampling device used to sample riverbed piezometers; baffles separating vertical zones are noted; tubes for water collection were terminated within each vertical interval. ...
全球地表水覆盖(Global Surface Water)是利用1984至2019年获取的landsat5、landsat7和landsat8的卫星影像,生成分辨率为30米的一套全球地表水覆盖的地图集。用户可以在全球尺度上按地区回溯某个时间上地表水分的变化情况。该数据集包含 change为全球地表水体变化程度,它提供了1984-1999年和2000-2019年间地表水发生增加、...
not independently distributed in some cases but are present around pixels where the GSW classification method was not confident about the label being land or water. Since ORBIT relies heavily on water extent maps in nearby months to fill missing data, it can introduce errors if the lake is ...