Enjoy free shipping and returns on the Surface USB-C to USB Adapter at Microsoft Store. Attach your laptop to external monitors, flash drives, keyboards, and more.
Surface USB-C to USB Adapter1 新闻 微软带来两款Surface Go转接头:USB-C转USB-A和网卡端口 去年5月微软宣布Surface Laptop之后, 由于没有跟进USB-C端口而遭到广泛诟病。对此Surface掌舵者Panos Pan... 07月 12, 2018 1 活动预告 2025(春季)亚洲充电展 专题报道 充电头网2800篇拆解报告 全球100家充电器...
微软官网介绍:https://www.microsoftstore.com.cn/surface/surface-usb-c-to-usb-a-adapter 使用该适配器拓展您的 USB-C 端口,把USB-C Type-C端口转成USB 3.1 Type-A接口,将 Surface 与外接显示器、闪存、键盘及多种外设相连接。兼容带有 USB-C 端口的 Surface 机型。转换头头到头长3.3厘米,小熊在MacBoo...
A compact & easy way to get a full-size USB-A port If you have old USB-A devices that you want to connect to your Surface tablet or laptop, or if you need to add a full-size USB-A port, the Surface USB Type-C to USB Type-A adapter is an excellent solution. This adapter has...
想接type-c外设..想着能不能给sp6接个外接显卡就跑到网上去找资料,然后发现了一个很神奇的玩意儿,surface connect to usb-c adapter,就是充电口转c接口的转换器,先不吐槽这玩意竟然不在中国
Microsoft Surface USB-C TO DisplayPort Adapter转换器的背面图片如下图 标签如下图,是印在上面的,型号是1859 生产地中国,大家注意一下,下面的那个SN号和盒子上的SN号是对应的。 两端的接口对比图。 习惯性拆解吧,外面的盖板可以撬开。 两边打胶,加热后可以拨出来,上下金属屏蔽壳侧面有卡扣。
这两款新转接头将于8月2日随Surface Go一同上线发售,兼容Surface Book 2。其中前者售价为19.99美元,后者售价为54.99美元。感兴趣的用户还可以通过百思买进行预订。 访问:Surface USB-C-to-USB AdapterSurface USB C to Ethernet and USB Adapter ()
This adapter works with any Surface that has a USB-C port. Note: Some products might not be available in your country or region. To use this adapter: Plug your 3.5mm accessory headphone jack into the 3.5mm port of your Surface USB-C to 3.5mm Audio Adapter. Connect t...
Extend your Surface USB-C® port to add Ethernet or a standard USB port with this adapter that boasts data transfer rates up to 1 Gbps. ...More Why buy from Microsoft Store We offer free 2-3 day shipping, 60-day returns, and one-on-one help with shopping, setup, and training. ...
通过Surface USB-C 转以太网和 USB 3.0 适配器,你可以使用有线以太网连接连接到网络。 此适配器适用于任何有 USB-C 端口的 Surface。 若要确定 Surface 是否具有 USB-C 端口,请检查设备的功能页。 为此,请转到“了解你拥有的 Surface 模型”,然后选择左侧的 Surface 设备。