small ship point defense surface missile system小型舰点防御水上导弹系统 air cleaning system空气净化系统 air defence system防空系统 相似单词 surface to aira. 地对空的 air to surfaceadj. 空对面的,空中飞机对地(或水)面的 systemn. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成秩序;现政府,统治集团 4...
are short-rangesurface-to-air missile systemsthatcan shoot down aircraft flying at altitudes [...] 顾名思义,便携式防空系统就是短程地对空导弹系统,它可以击落飞行高 度低于约 4 500 米的飞机,因此对军事和民用航空都构成严重威胁。
surface-to-air missile system [网络] 地对空导弹系统
将“surface-to-air missile system"翻译成捷克文 protiletadlový raketový systém是将“surface-to-air missile system"翻译成 捷克文。 译文示例:SAKIG develops and produces surface-to-air missiles systems for Iran's military. ↔ SAKIG navrhuje a vyrábí raketové systémy země-vzduch ...
China's HQ-2B is a point-de-fense missile system derived fromthe HQ-2.The article briefly intro-duced its main characteristics,com-ponents and the important improve-ments in the missile itself,the guid-ance system and the newly devel-oped launch facilities. GENERAL The HQ-2B surface-to-...
air to ship missile 空对舰导弹 air to air guided missile 空对空导弹 air to air missile (AAM) 空对空导弹,空空导弹 相似单词 surface to air a. 地对空的 air to surface adj. 空对面的,空中飞机对地(或水)面的 air n. 1. 空气;大气 2. 压缩空气 3. 天空;空间 4. 微风 5.【音】...
systems are short-rangesurface-to-air missilesystems that can shoot down aircraft flying at altitudes [...] 顾名思义,便携式防空系统就是短程地对空导弹系统,它可以击落飞行高 度低于约 4 500 米的飞机,因此对军事和民用航空都构成严重威胁。
surface-to-air missile envelope surface-to-air missile envelope Surface-to-Air Missile Exercise Surface-to-Air Missile Improvement Program surface-to-air missile installation Surface-to-Air Missile Intelligence Report Surface-to-Air Missile Operations Center ...
3) air-defence missile system 装备导弹防空系统<火> 4) equipment architecture 装备体系 1. Using axiomatic design(AD) and TRIZ for reference,the paper combines axiomatic design with TRIZ in application to requirements analysis of weapon equipment architecture in order to achieve innovation research....
guided missile- a rocket-propelled missile whose path can be controlled during flight either by radio signals or by internal homing devices MANPAD- a man-portable surface-to-air missile Stinger- a portable low altitude surface-to-air missile system using infrared guidance and an impact fuse; fir...