Effective modulus (E) 1× 108 [Pa] Normal-to-shear stiffness ratio (k) 2.5 [−] Inter-particle friction coefficient (μ) 0.3 Normal critical damping ratio (bn) 0.5 [−] Shear critical damping ratio (bs) 0.5 [−] Dashpot mode 1 (no tension in normal, full in shear direction) ...
Surface tensionSurfactantsNebulisation of liquids is one of the most effective means of aerosol generation for pulmonary delivery. Empirical formulae relate the mean size of primary droplets from jet nebulisers to the surface tension, viscosity and density of a fluid. Although the size selective '...
The out-of-plane constraints T z around the semi-elliptical surface cracks in an elastic plate subjected to uniform tension loading have been investigated through detailed three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) analyses. The distributions of T z are obtained in the vicinity of the crack bord...
before exposure to the bacon grease, which is below that of pure water (72.5 mN/m). This indicated that the diluted WAS contained some surface active species on its own. Those surface active species were also found to be interfacially active—e.g., the initial interfacial tension between...
of the formulae V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV or XV indicated above, the radicals of the formula V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV or XV being unsubstituted or substituted by a group A1-X1—; Y2 is Y1 with the exception of the formula VII. ...
Linear formulae are often used to design gradient TPMS structures of wall thickness to simplify the design process. This study evaluates the mechanical properties of TPMS structures under various gradient types by introducing multi-directional gradient structures and sandwich structures into the ...
(bothitsmotionandtheevolutionofitschemicalcomposition).Afewinterestingandimportantexamples includetheeffectofsurfactantsonsurfacetension[1,2,3],thechargingdynamicsofelectrochemicaldouble layers[4,5,6,7,8],electrokineticphenomena[9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]andsoapfilm dynamics[21,22]....
GrIS surface melt. These hydrological processes can elucidate the following scientific questions: How much melt- water is produced atop the GrIS? What are the characteristics of the meltwater-formed supraglacial hydrological system? How does the meltwater influence the GrIS motion? The GrIS supra...
The balance of forces is complicated by the presence of surface tension. As is well known, the interface between two fluids behaves like an elastic membrane, and a surface force acts when the surface is deformed. The magnitude of the surface force is determined by the surface tension σ(r,...
If this formula is used to calculate plastic offset strains in the torsion test, the offset strain in shear γ must be 3-times bigger than the offset normal strain ɛɛ in the tension test to reach an equal equivalent offset strain in both tests. This discrepancy also arises for normal...