package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop Studio, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface devices...
package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop Studio 2, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface ...
您管理 Surface 驅動程式和韌體更新的方式取決於您的環境和組織需求。 大型組織中的IT系統管理員通常會先暫存部署並進行測試,再將更新輪流至使用者,以確保系統保持穩定且安全。 注意 本文適用於 IT 專業人員,僅適用於 Surface 裝置。 如需想要安裝更新的住家使用者,請參閱下載 Surface 的驅動程式和韌體。
Surface driver and firmware lifecycle period The following table shows the release and end-of-servicing dates for Surface devices with a defined driver and firmware lifecycle policy: Surface deviceRelease dateEnd-of-servicing date for firmware & drivers ...
Manually update Surface drivers and firmware(Advanced) You'll find the links for drivers after choosing your Surface model in the dropdown list in this section. Note:If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that inManage and deploy Surface driver...
Surface 裝置會收到驅動程式和韌體更新,直到 Surface 裝置驅動程式和 Windows 型裝置的韌體生命週期 中列出的日期為止。 為了讓 Surface Laptop Studio 2 效能保持最佳狀態,請確定您有最新的 Surface 更新。 如何取得更新 更新中的功能改進和修復 Surface Laptop Studio 的其他步驟 ...
Surface Laptop Studio 的其他步驟 我們會聆聽您的意見並優先處理品質問題。 我們想讓您知道安裝此最新更新後可能需要的其他資訊和步驟。 我們建議您重新開機 Surface 以完成剩餘的安裝部分。 若要重新啟動您的裝置,請選取 [開始],然後選取 [電源]> [重新啟動]。 如果您仍覺得 Surface 裝置無法正常運作,...
很显然,使用22H2版本的Windows 11系统,加上新的WDDM3.1模型显卡驱动,再加上随之推送的新版Firmware,Surface Laptop Studio真的得到了显著的性能提升。其3DMARK几乎得到了比出场的正式版系统+最新正式版驱动要高20%,综合办公性能也提高了10%。 当然,这个结论并不完全。因为它也有可能是某个特定系统版本或特定驱动版本的...
微软Surface Laptop Studio迎固件更新:提高固态硬盘稳定性 IT之家 11 月 20 日消息,微软今日为旗下最强大的笔记本电脑 Surface Laptop Studio 推送了新的 2022 年 11 月固件更新,更新提高了该设备内置的固态硬盘的稳定性。Surface Laptop Studio 2022 年 11 月更新内容:这次更新提高了 SSD 的稳定性和可靠性。...
Surface Laptop Studio is getting new firmware and drivers until October 5, 2025. Finally, Surface Laptop Go will stop receive new firmware and driver versions on October 13, 2024.Support us Winaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site keep bringing you interesting and ...