1.OneNote (免费) OneNote应该是我使用过最好用的笔记软件了。最初遇上OneNote,是因为Surface自带了微软全家桶软件。OneNote很强大也很复杂,主要结构是树形,分为本、区和页三级。页能随便插入文字与图片,排版自由没有限制。一些第三方插件还能让OneNote与第三方软件无缝连接,例如一些思维导图软件。还有一个亮点是...
89.7% 微软Surface Pro 2017 (i5-7300U, 256 GB) 变形本简短评测 | Notebookcheck老而弥坚。 没有USB Type-C 也没有 Thunderbolt 3,2017款的微软 Surface Pro看上去有点落伍。无风扇的设计我们已经在宏碁的Alpha 12上看到过了,但不幸的是它遭遇了很明显的降频问题。那么Surface Pro 唯一留下的有点就是它...
当然推荐OneNote但很多优秀第三方值得一试,电脑win10可以搜搜看:Nebo Drawboard PDF,用office打印一本...
这个是OneNote里的手写笔记(讲真surface pen的体验感真的很不错!!超顺滑,笔尖不是特别硬,估计是...
Mit dem Surface Pro mussten Kunden sich bei einer Neuanschaffung nicht mehr zwischen Notebook oder Tablet entscheiden oder gar beides kaufen. Das neue Microsoft Device war beides zugleich – „potentes Arbeitsgerät“ und „Sofa-Surfer“, wie Mobilegeeks damals berichtete....
Surface Laptop Studio 2 è un potente notebook multifunzione che funge anche da studio portatile. Altre informazioni su Surface Laptop Studio 2 Surface Laptop Go 3 Surface Laptop Go 3 offre un portatile touchscreen Surface leggero. Altre informazioni su Surface Laptop Go 3 Vedi altri portatili...
Surface Pro 8是一款兼顾硬件和软件特性的顶级笔记本电脑,它以其优秀的键盘和触控体验、令人眼花缭绕的预装软件、强大的性能和完善的操作系统等特点,成为最受欢迎的 Notebook 产品之一。在这个触控时代,人们对操作体验的要求越来越高。在如此激烈的市场竞争中,Surface Pro 8以其超强的竞争力,升华出了更多的优点和...
88.5% Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Plus in review: Tiger Lake provides a performance boost | NotebookcheckLTE modem, Tiger Lake, replaceable SSD - Microsoft adds new features to the Surface Pro 7 and names the whole package Surface Pro 7 Plus. Consumers can't buy the device (yet). The sales...
OneNote OneNote is your digital notebook for capturing and organizing everything across your devices. Write down your to-do lists, keep track of your notes, and draw your ideas. Get OneNote Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 lets you create your best work in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and...
Mostnote-taking apps for the Surface Pro have features that make it super easy to collaborate with others. Have a friend taking a course you’ve taken before? Send a link to your notebook to share last year’s lecture notes. Want to create a shared journal with a friend? Invite them ...