pro 6 在屏幕某些地方有慢速笔迹抖动问题,看看你们的有没有类似问题 。注意:是用pen在屏幕某些地方(具体你们的是哪个地方自己找下)慢速划竖线或曲线线有笔迹抖动问题。如下图:下面的是ipad的onenote上同步的截图不是原图,直多了。ios 上的onenote在插入PC上共享的图片时打开文件夹没有图片缩略图,挺麻烦的。
运行regedit,打开注册表编辑器;找到“HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\onenote-cmd\shell\open\Command”表项,把default的data改成onenote2016的路径(建议事先备份一下原来的路径)。至于能不能打开其它应用,这个没试过。 来自iPhone客户端13楼2015-12-05 09:21 收起回复 ...
The Surface Slim Pen delivers incredibly responsive, true-to-life note taking, inking, and drawing—and uses generative AI to help you leap from inspiration to finished work. Prerelease product shown, subject to change.1,16,17 Turn your imagination into images ...
When you use a note-taking app you can easily add in visuals and links to create richer notes. 5. Share and collaborate on your notes. Mostnote-taking apps for the Surface Pro have features that make it super easy to collaborate with others. ...
surface pe..surface pen显示已配对但不是已连接怎么解决是电池的问题吗,笔帽可以用可以呼出note也可以截屏,但笔尖写不了字看吧友说纽扣电池 那又是什么,不是只有笔帽旋开那一截AAAA电池嘛
Access your Surface with quick and accurate facial recognition. Windows Hello Securely log in to your Surface Pro with nothing but a glance.A remarkable pen enhanced by AI The Surface Slim Pen delivers incredibly responsive, true-to-life note taking, inking and drawing – and uses generative...
【SP3 pen】用..除了橡皮擦按钮,其他一切功能正常重新装了全套OFFICE,还是不行结果装了下OneNote桌面版发现橡皮擦可用目前怀疑是软件设置问题,或者是识别笔时识别成单按钮笔了。尝试过删除蓝牙设备,无效尝试过按住
Those are the ultimate tips that will extend your Surface Pro 4 battery life. However, it will decrease your Surface performance. This is not a big deal for note-taking or basic processing. If you want to play games or edit photos or videos, use an external battery pack for your Surface...