How to Configure Surface Pro UEFI/BIOS Settings How to Fix Battery Icon Not Showing in the Taskbar How to Fix Rotation Lock Bug on Surface Tablet and 2-in-1 Laptop How to Get Rid of Red Bar with Unlocked Lock Icon from Surface Boot Screen How to Reset Your Surface Using USB Reco...
How to Fix Rotation Lock Bug on Surface Tablet and 2-in-1 Laptop How to Protect Your Surface Battery with Battery Limit Mode How to Use Your Surface Pro as a Second Monitor COMMENTS Let us know what you think! We appreciate hearing your thoughts, questions, and ideas about “How to...
显示效果有点差强人意,主要是扩展屏的分辨率不理想,没有全屏。 在Surface的快捷菜单里,选中Rotation lock,确保Surface不会自动旋转显示。 然后在主力机的显示菜单中,将2号扩展屏的分辨率调整为1920x1080,显示模式依旧为Landscape。分辨率太高看起来会有点吃力。 此时可以看到扩展屏里的内容可以撑满整个屏幕,看文档时...
Lock the screen orientation If you don't want the screen content to rotate, you can lock the screen orientation. Here's how: 1. Rotate Surface the way you want it. 2. Open the Settings charm, and then tap or click Screen. 3. Tap the Screen rotation icon. (If this doesn't work,...
If you are still having problems, it may have more to do with theauto-rotation settingsthan anything else. To check on this, please remove the cover and swipe from the right edge of the screen to reveal the Action Center. From here, you should see theAuto Rotation lock. If it’s dimm...
Screen rotation works as expected when the type cover is attached, but when I detached the cover to use my SP9 as a tablet, the rotation is locked to whatever the last orientation was when the typecover was attached. Checking the output of motion-sensor -accel shows the rotation still ...
in Whiteboard – shine on Surface Hub 3. The 50″ device brings entirely new ways to co-create with Portrait, Smart Rotation and Smart AV – making 1:1 meetings personable and Whiteboarding sessions more natural. The 85″ stunningly displays remote teammates and content, even in large rooms....
DXGI_MODE_ROTATION enumeration (Windows) AllocateHeap function (Windows) Trace element (Windows) InterlockedOrNoFence function (Windows) About IWMPNodeWindowed (deprecated) (Windows) Input Personalization Interfaces (Windows) DhcpPktSendHook callback function (Windows) ID2D1Factory::CreateHwndRenderTarget ...
into portrait mode and the fans will switch directions, drawing in cool air from the long edge and exhausting it out of the short edges. The fan direction switch is triggered in tandem with display rotation, so as soon as you see your display rotate you’ll hear the fans change direction...
Installed surface-kernel using Method.1 but the touch screen, digitizer, and auto-rotate do not work. The touch screen is recognized and enabled but doesn't function. Can't figure out what it could be. May i ask you a little help @Taivas...