需要的软件:英特尔® Graphics Driver Windows* 版本 [15.45]下载并解压之后,打开Win10设备管理器—显示适配器,右键点击“更新驱动程序”,选择“浏览电脑以查找驱动”——“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取”——“从磁盘安装”——选择解压目录下Graphics文件夹里的igdlh64.inf文件进行安装。等待安装完成...
Since upgrading my Surface Pro 3 to Win10 I've had several Intel graphic driver crashes. This always happens under one of two conditions, while editing graphics in PowerPoint and / or while watching a video stream embedded in Chrome via Flash. I first see the screen go black, flicker, fli...
在inter 的驱动网站下载的15.65驱动, 之前很多在surface pro4的时候 用的是15.40驱动, 那个我的surface安装不上.(顺便提一下,我不知道15.60和15.65这两个驱动有什么区别... 只是选了个最新的...)地址: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27484/Graphics-Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-15-65-?
不知道大家升级了Windows 10系统没有,新系统引发许多显卡驱动问题,在其自家的Surface也不例外,不过现在有了新的驱动可下载,手持Surface Pro2/Surface Pro 3的同学赶快升级。 微软推出Surface Pro 2/Surface Pro 3的显卡驱动“HD Graphics Family driver update”,版本号更新到v10.18.15.4256,它能明显改善显卡性能与改...
SurfacePro11_Win11_26100_24.091.12892.0.msi This file name provides the following information: Product: Surface Pro (11th Edition) Windows release: Win11 Build: 26100 Version: 24.091.12892 – This version number reveals the following: Year: 24 (2024) ...
Surface Pro 4 幽灵触控修复之路 这台pro 4是16年买的,至今也有4年多了,在度过它的第3个年头时,遭遇了三星屏抖屏的厄运,不懂的朋友可以搜一下“surface pro 4 屏幕抖动”“surface pro 4 发热抖屏”,说多了都是泪。 后来实在忍不了,直接在首富家换了5代LG后压屏,顺便换了新的电池跟铰链支架,只希望...
This update cannot show up driver search, as it might take some time for Microsoft to get it integrated in their Surface Pro driver updates. Microsoft prevents installing driver directly from Intel if you try the installer directly, however latest driver from Intel can be... Votes 3 Upvotes...
因为这些驱动并未官方面向Surface Pro 4用户,所以这里需要讲下安装步骤: 1.访问:https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25620/Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-7-8-1-10-15-40-6th-Gen- 2.下载Windows 10 64位驱动的ZIP文件 3.解压缩ZIP文件 ...
4.卸载显卡驱动:Windows+X——设备管理器——显示适配器——点击前面的小箭头——右键点击“Intel(R) HD Graphics 520“——选择卸载设备——不要勾选“删除此设备的驱动程序软件”——点击“卸载”——卸载之后重启电脑——查看屏幕是否恢复正常5.安装驱动包:pro7驱动包,点击download,根据设备系统版本(系统版本...
I try to replicate your case and my Surface Pro 4; it only accepts the manufacture Graphics driver, it is important to mention that we sell our Intel chipsets and processors to third party manufacturers and they design their own computers with their own features, settings and ca...