A company could “push” out via SMS, MMS or e-mail vouchers to members of their loyalty scheme or just to the general public as a promotion. Another variation on this scheme is the ability to deliver a voucher or coupon to a user who enters a competition or votes on-line. For ...
The "UAV" checkbox allows the user to determine the number of images for each pro- cessing unit. The program will split all the selected raw images into continuous processing blocks with an overlap determined by the size of the processing step [1,5]. The actual overlap is the number of ...
It was possible through painted corundum particles with the i-SPEED pro program. The measurement set-up is shown in Figure 3. The summarised actions from the videos are the following: The specimens are circulating at their given radius in the slurry, and the particles are considered static. ...
22.2.2. .SShheaerarGGuuididededWWavaveses TThheeSShheaerarwwaavvesesaarereaalslosocacallleldedtrtarannsvsveresresewwavavesesininwwhhicihchmmooststoof fththeemmoovveemmenent toof fththeemmeeddiuiumm isisppereprpenenddiciuculalarrtotoththeeddiriercetcitoionnoof fwwavaveepprorpopagaagtaitoinon...
It meraidngset.hTahtethMeSSLIScTonstuinrfuaecseriastintgheasnedpreoainchtsesis0.b85enadndin0g.8a8loatntgheonseevdenirthecatniodneaignhdthappipxerol lxoicmataiotinnsg, the shapreeospfeactriivdeglye,.wThhiechMmSeSaIncsotnhatitntuheesLSriTsiantgthaensedproeiancths easre0n.8e5aralyndca0p.-8...
For example, the manner in which silicon nanowire fractures may change from brittle to ductile once its diameter is less than a critical value [5,8,9]; silicon nanowires with a circular cross-section are stronger than those with a square cross-section under tension, but the reverse Crystals ...