Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 8. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 8, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware...
Thank you for downloading Surface Pro 8 Drivers and Firmware If your download does not start after 30 seconds, click here to download manually Installation note: In the following Install Instructions, please start at the step after the mention of clicking the Download button. Install Instructio...
Surface-apparaten ontvangen stuurprogramma- en firmware-updates tot de datum die wordt vermeld in hetstuurprogramma en de firmwarelevenscyclus van Surface-apparaten voor Windows-apparaten. Zorg ervoor dat u de nieuwste Surface-updates hebt om ervoor te zorgen dat uw Surface Pr...
Surface Pro 8 is ontworpen om het beste uit Windows 11 te halen en de kracht van een laptop te combineren met de flexibiliteit van een tablet. Volume 3,5 mm headsetaansluiting Windows Hello-gezichtsherkenningscamera Naar voren gerichte camera Aan-uitknop USB-C-poort Surface ...
“Cumulative firmware and drivers for the Surface Pro, including all current drivers as of the April 2013 update cycle. This firmware and driver package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro device, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released v...
- Surface Pro 第 11 版,Qualcomm 處理器 - Surface Pro 10 - Surface Pro 9 搭配 Intel 處理器 - Surface Pro 9 搭配 5G (SQ3 處理器) - Surface Pro 8 - Surface Pro 7+ Surface Pro 7+ (LTE) - Surface Pro 7 - Surface Pro 6 - Surface Pro 5 (LTE) - Surface Pro 5 (Wi-Fi) ...
自2019 年 8 月以来,.msi 文件遵循了约定: Product_Windows release_Windows 内部版本号_版本号_版本号修订 (通常为零) 示例 SurfacePro11_Win11_26100_24.091.12892.0.msi 此文件名提供以下信息: 产品:Surface Pro第 11 版 Snapdragon 处理器 Windows 版本:Win11 ...
What is new in November 2021 firmware update for Surface Pro 8? The first firmware update for the recently released Surface Pro 8 contains many improvements and new drivers to improve the user experience. Here are the main highlights:
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设备管理器embed..各位大神,设备管理器里,surface embedded conrller firmware和surface uefi两项有黄色惊叹号,点开是“该设备无法启动。 (代码 10)Windows 无法验证