[转载] 解决surface pro用U盘重装win8系统进入BIOS:按住音量+键,再按电源开关键,出现surface时松开电源开关键,就进入BIOS了。将Secure Boot关闭。重装win8(只能是X64的系统,X86测试不能引导)1、首先用UltraISO制作win8启动U盘,格式为usb-hdd、USB-ZIP、USB-HDD+、USB-ZIP+都可以启动2、然后在设置-更改电脑设置...
UEFI, or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, is a new motherboard firmware standard that allows your PC to boot faster and has more security features. Starting withSurface Pro 4, Microsoft has developed its ownUEFIfirmware for use with its future devices. This newSurface UEFIis currently used ...
DFCI 支持零接触预配,消除 BIOS 密码,提供对安全设置的控制,并为将来的高级安全方案奠定了基础。DFCI 目前可用于以下商业设备:Surface Pro第 11 版 Snapdragon 处理器;Surface Pro第 11 版,Intel 处理器;Surface Pro 10、5G Surface Pro 10、Surface Pro 9、5G Surface Pro 9、Surface Pro 8、Surface Pro 7+...
bios 设置问题,你的电脑默认设置是启用安全启动,进入bios禁用安全启动就正常了。。在安全引导配置选项里,或者是Secure Boot 3楼2020-11-24 16:42 回复 枫叶z流云 初级粉丝 1 安全启动关了 来自iPhone客户端4楼2020-11-25 19:43 回复 HX-1040 初级粉丝 1 secure boot关了gkd 5楼2020-12-19 23:35...
【技术贴】一些sur..看贴吧里头好像缺少一些技术贴,所以开此帖。也希望大家都来补充补充啊。。谢谢!1、SP2进入BIOS:在关机状态下按住 “音量+” 键,再按 “电源开关键” ,出现surface时松开 “电源开关键”,
New Surface Pro 8 not booting after restart: Hi all,I recently purchased a Surface Pro 8 and found that after a windows update prompted restart, the surface no longer moves beyond the windows logo in the Windows 11 boot sequence. I have tried the following already:* Rolling back to earlier...
Boot configuration In the Boot configuration section, you can change how your Surface boots into Windows. If your Surface is part of an enterprise, these settings may be locked or configured to your enterprise specifications. Contact your IT administrator for more information. If you aren't part...
Make sure thatEnable Boot from USB devicesisOnunderAdvanced optionsof the UEFI Boot configuration screen. To find out how to boot to the UEFI configuration, seeHow do I use the BIOS/UEFI?andHow to use Surface UEFI. If you have configured a boot order, check theAdvanced optionsin the UEFI...
secure boot的意思 就是uefi安全启动的意思 必须是正规签名的系统和驱动才能被引导开机 这也就是为什么很多小白不能在surface上用pe的原因 修改了安全启动 就必去输入bitlocker 才能生效 在硬件级别的uefi安全启动面前 那些用pe的小白 还自以为是大神 能解决一切。。。不关安全启动 它们的pe就是个笑话。。。 来自An...